October 4, 2010

This last week has been great! Nothing super special has happened except for General Conference of course. :) It was such a sweet, neat exprience and I know I will never experience anything like it again in my life. I have been in the conference center from the top, but from the choir loft it looks so much cooler!! It amazes me what we can do with buildings. It can literally take your breath away. It was so fun to start singing and have all the elders in the seventy turn around straining their necks trying to see what in the world was making that sound. Supposedly we were really good :) Dad and Dallin did get to see me? That is good to know. Yes I have learned to sing wtih a smile on my face when it comes to singing in General conference mom. haha. To tell you the truth this General Conference was one that I was looking forward to the most and it was really sad not to be able to spend it with the family. I miss taking notes and sharing and having donuts. So now I just take notes.
Fortunately, they keep you really busy here so you don't ahve a lot of time to do that. For some reason at the end of each week I look back and think that I have not learned much at all, I guess taht is going to be how it is for the rest of the mission. then one day I will find out that I am conversationally fluent and can actually talk. The SYL is going pretty good, some days much better than others. When my teacher talks I can understand most things he says, even if it is from context a lot of the time. I just can't wait to be a really effective tool with the language.

Well this last week lets see. Jeffers (Jeff Mecham my old roommate that dropped me off here) came in this last Wednesday and I got to see him the next day. I have seen him a couple  of times since then but have not actually gotten to talk to him at all and I am really dying to know about what he did these last four weeks and how the outside world was. It was so nice to be able to get on a bus and drive to Salt lake and get out of the 1/2 mile radius of the MTC. can you say cooped up. I hear that BYU is doing horrible in football, But should be good when I come back. Haha, I guess I picked a good time to leave.
Everything is going well with my companion and District, no tuffs or spats giong on this week, so that was really good. I am now officially DL and my district keeps reminding me of that with little jokes here and there about having to listen to me because I am the DL now. Not cool. We are actually becoming somewhat good friends. I guess that is what happens when you spend a month together within sight and sound the whole time, Kind of hard to not get to know them unless you are really enemies. Haha. So as district leader I lead Weekly planning, make sure we have someone to pray, pick a song, and a scripture, and the most important: Getting the mail. So there is not a lot to do, justhave  to make sure I do it right. Nothing else really happenend, just working, learning some more language, having a great weekend with General conference and everything. I loved President Uchtdorfs comment on airplanes and the scorpion elders talk in priesthood. It seems different, did you think that they talked a lot about missionary work? Maybe it was just me since I am now a missionary and didn't miss anything they said about it. During the days I am super tired, but can't get to sleep quickly at night which is super annoying. Haha, I guess that is life.

Everyone thank you for your support, especially my family. I love you and hope everything is going well. Have a great week and do some good!!!
Elder Fawcett (Fang Zhanglao)

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